Liability as addressed herein relates to professional liability. Liability occurs when the negligent act(s) of an individual or company results in damage or injury to someone else. Two essential elements necessary for liability to exist are: 1. Damages 2. Negligence...
Liability as addressed herein relates to professional liability and does not include “strict liability”, which may apply to some design professionals. Liability occurs when the negligent act(s) of an individual or company results in damage or injury to someone else. ...
Shop Drawing Review Management is a crucial element of the design process that begins well before bids are received. Agreement between the Client and Consultant is essential regarding the role of shop drawings in the construction process, the Consultant’s role, and...
When previous efforts to collect overdue accounts receivables have not been effective, immediate attention is needed to remedy the situation. A reasonable approach could be for the Consultant to let the Client know that resolving the matter is desired before...
Accounts Receivable management is critical to the Consultant’s financial well being. Sometimes, when a Client isn’t paying its invoices on time, it can be “the canary in the coal mine”. While most Clients start out with good intentions of paying invoices in...