Lowe Consulting, LLC

Helping design professionals minimize risk


I help design professionals to minimize potential business risk that may arise from their contracts for services.

I do this through training and by reviewing contracts prepared by others that have been offered to them.

About Lowe Consulting LLC

Providing education, training, and contract review to identify and overcome risk.

Lowe Consulting, LLC is about assisting design professionals in avoiding business and professional liability risks.

We accomplish this through in-person training sessions at universities, professional society meetings, and lunch time presentations at client offices throughout the Pacific Northwest.  Online training occurs by speaking at national webinars.

We also review specific contracts offered to design professionals by their clients in which we identify specific risks and recommend ways to overcome them.

I have also written a book entitled “A Guide to Managing Engineering and Architectural Design Services Contracts – What Every Project Manager Needs to Know.”

Unique Qualifications

Lowe Consulting, LLC is uniquely qualified to assist you in meeting your design services contracting needs.

  • More than 46 years involvement in engineering/architectural consulting.  This experience exposed me to numerous opportunities to see firsthand how important precise contracting for services is when problems arise during construction.

  • More than 10 years experience training design professionals on how to avoid business and professional liability risk and reviewing their contracts for design services.

  • The contents of my book are arranged in the order of how a design and construction project normally proceeds.  This allows the designer to refer to the book at the beginning of each phase for specific items of importance during that phase.

Not sure where to start?

Browse the Services page for presentation topics that are available, or contact me to tell me what you’d like to hear about and discuss setting up a training session.  


Thank you again for your great presentation last Wednesday.  For most students (most humans, for that matter), contracts seem an impenetrable obstacle to understanding: stacks of papers full of medieval language, best left to lawyers.  Your presentation “opened the curtains” on contracts as a way of establishing and managing mutual expectations.  I think that the students benefited greatly.

Matthew R. Kuhn, PhD

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Portland

Your lecture was excellent – a lot of great lessons for the students. I am sure they will remember it! Thank you again for serving our students so well.

Scott Wells, PhD

Chair, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Portland State University

This book is intended to provide a primer for young engineers on the important aspects of design services contracts.  It also introduces the importance of creating and maintaining a culture of professional liability awareness within a design office to minimize the risk of a claim.

The book is concisely written and broken into five sections: An introduction, a brief description of the basic elements of a design services contract, common issues with implementing the contract, requirements during bidding and construction, and a summary and recommendations section.

Young engineers rarely have any formal instruction on the subject of contracts and liability and this book provides a useful introduction to these topics.  Too often these lessons are learned “the hard way” through claims and disputes.  Gaining a basic understanding of the principles of design service contracts before one takes on the responsibility of project management can be invaluable, and this book covers all the basic concepts. 

This reader was hoping to see more real-world case studies and “horror stories”, however, the text is to the point and well worth the couple hour read for a young professional entering the world of project management.

Keith Bouchard, P.E.

Structural Engineer, CBI Consulting, Inc

Get In Touch

Lowe Consulting, LLC
John M. Lowe, Jr., P.E.
Happy Valley, OR